Problem: Down Syndrome does not have enough public awareness, and Parents feel there is no existing community.
Insight: About 6,000 babies are born with Down Syndrome in the US each year.
Concept: Create a campaign to break down the preconceived notions about children with down syndrome and that will create a community.
Print Campaign
Banner Ad
The banner ads will be interactive and will allow the user to write their downright phrase. The user can also learn more ways to support down syndrome awareness and will be directed to the website that will show different events during down syndrome awareness month for the user to participate in.
Radio Spot
:30 second radio spot
VO: Children with Down Syndrome
Child 1: I am downright
Child 2: Adventurous
Child 3: Brave
Child 4: Proud
Child 5: I am downright smart
Child 6: I am downright funny
Child 7: I am downright loved
Child 8-15: I am downright (overlapping)
My extra chromosome is my superpower.
We are Downright.
VO adult: Learn more about Down Syndrome awareness at